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The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) seeks to enable sustainable and resilient mountain development for improved and equitable livelihoods through knowledge generation and regional cooperation.
ICIMOD is a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge-sharing centre serving the eight Regional Member Countries (RMCs) of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH): Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. Working in partnership with regional and international organizations, ICIMOD aims to influence policy and practices to meet environmental and livelihood challenges emerging in the HKH. ICIMOD provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers from the region and around the globe to generate and share knowledge, support evidence-based decision making, and encourage regional cooperation. 2021-30 is an important decade for climate action, and 2021 was a key year since parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) communicated their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) related to adaptation, mitigation, finance, technology, and capacity development to achieve the Paris Agreement goals. Countries will also develop long-term strategies to address climate change. 2030 is also an important milestone in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals, which provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
The ongoing pandemic presents a challenge for countries to stay on course to achieve these global commitments. Governments have put in place measures to respond to and recover from the disruption caused by COVID-19. With some countries investing more than 10% of their gross domestic product (GDP) in post-pandemic recovery, there are significant opportunities for climate-resilient, green recovery in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH). In 2021, ICIMOD’s HKH2Glasgow campaign in the lead up to COP26 amplified the call for more ambitious climate action in the HKH and globally.
The campaign revolved around three asks:
Recognize the HKH as the pulse of the planet – a region that is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
Invest in mountain-specific climate priorities to enhance the resilience of mountain communities
Harness the strength of the eight HKH countries to enhance regional and international cooperation for climate action
Based on this campaign, as a step forward for identifying opportunities and gaps in climate action in the HKH region, ICIMOD aims to develop an investment framework for the HKH region. This framework will act as a roadmap that will guide potential investors on priority investment areas for the HKH countries to meet their climate targets to 2030. This framework would entail policy engagement to shape ambitious climate action and strategic communication to promote ambition climate action at the local, national, regional, and global levels. It will also assist HKH countries mobilise financial resources for mountain-specific climate priorities that will enable and support them to achieve their climate targets, such as NDCs and net-zero commitments, along with policy development and capacity-building.
As initial steps for this framework, the following actions will be undertaken, including (a) identifying and proposing target-bound investment opportunities for climate action in HKH region; (b) establishing an investors’ alliance/network; and (c) developing a management framework that will help to showcase the region’s potential to contribute to global climate targets and the investments needed to achieve those targets.
ICIMOD is issuing this request for proposals for an institutional consultancy to scope and provide recommendations to support the development of a Mountains of Opportunity Investment Framework (MOIF) for the Hindu Kush Himalaya.
Mountain communities and governments across the HKH have identified ambitious actions to address climate change and ensure they align COVID-19 recovery to climate action. All eight countries have climate policies and plans to address climate impacts in and build the resilience of mountain communities. However, there are challenges around implementation, policy coherence, and monitoring the effectiveness of these plans.
The total cost of mitigation for six HKH countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan – is estimated at USD 1,085 billion, and the cumulative cost of adaptation, as outlined in their NDCs, is estimated at USD 270 billion.
In 2019, developed countries mobilised USD 79.6 billion of climate finance for developing countries, with 43% allocated to Asia. But this amount falls significantly short of the finance needed to deliver climate action in the HKH, let alone the continent, and despite adaptation being a priority in HKH, most finance supports mitigation. With half of this finance disbursed as loans, access for mountain communities is also limited.
In terms of domestic finance, HKH countries are spending 2.2–6% of gross domestic product on COVID-19 response and recovery. But of the USD 17.2 trillion 30 countries (including China and India) have invested in COVID-19 response and recovery, only 28% will flow to environmentally intensive sectors that impact climate change, biodiversity, or local air quality.
Aligning COVID-19 recovery packages with climate action is a huge opportunity to scale up investment in green, resilient, and inclusive development in the HKH. Delivering ambitious climate action in the region will require increased financial flows that are aligned with policy instruments and capacity. The Mountains of Opportunity Investment Framework will enable investment partners – including HKH governments, mountain communities, financial institutions, private sector actors, and development partners – to identify, align and scale up investment in mountain-specific climate priorities in the near to medium term collaboratively. It identifies six investment priorities aligned to climate action and COVID-19 recovery that will contribute to climate-resilient, carbon-neutral mountain societies (Figure below).
The overall objective of the assignment is to scope and provide recommendations to support the development of a Mountains of Opportunity Investment Framework (MOIF) for the Hindu Kush Himalaya.
The consultant will work under the supervision of a team of three professionals at ICIMOD – Climate and Environment Specialist, Visiting Advisor, and Climate Change Adaptation and Governance Analyst.
The project duration will be from 1 July to 31 December 2022
The consultant’s activities will include but not be limited to seeking answers to the following questions, aligned with the reporting modules provided below:
Review of RMCs government documents (e.g., economic, budget, national and international commitments, policies, plans) and identify climate finance needs and priorities specific to HKH
Review the climate finance landscape (current investment) in the RMCs, specific to the HKH region, and identify the current set of funders, types of funding mechanisms, and types of interventions /projects
Review of global climate finance strategies, climate investment plans and policies, funding mechanisms, interventions, and projects at the national, regional, and sectoral level and identify current and new opportunities for climate finance that could be relevant to HKH
Review global guidance, examples, and best practices as to the role of the private sector in climate finance relevant to HKH
Review of global experience in financing climate actions and identifying barriers and mitigative measures relevant to HKH
Review the outputs of the previous modules and identify recommended strategies for climate finance in the six priority investment areas in the HKH, including:
a. Types of projects (readiness and interventions sectors/areas) and sectors
b. Types of mechanisms (pool funding, loans/equity etc)
c. Funders to engage with and suggested approaches to build partnerships
Review comments from ICIMOD and address in final report, which would include all the above modules
The service provider will be selected based on the highest ranked technical proposal (60% weightage) and lowest cost financial proposal (40% weightage).
The service provider will be selected based on the highest cumulative scores obtained in the technical and financial proposals using the following formula:
The service provider scoring the maximum score based on the aforementioned criteria will be awarded. However, the service provider should score at least 70 points in the technical proposal.
Applicants are advised to present their technical proposal in four sections:
1. Technical approach and methodology In this section, applicants should explain their understanding of the objectives of the assignment, approach to the services, and methodology to obtain the expected output. You are also expected to prepare a table of content of the final report.
2. Work plan Applicants should propose the main activities of the proposal, content and duration, milestones (including interim approvals by the clients), and delivery date for each of the modules. The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and methodology.
3. Organization and experts Applicants should propose the structure and composition of their team, mentioning their qualification, skills and provide their CVs. Applicants should list the main discipline of the assignment, the key expert responsible, and proposed technical and support staff.
4. Relevant experience Applicants should include the experience of their organization relevant to this request for proposals.
5. Financial bid Applicants should provide the financial quote with a breakdown of costs for each of the modules.
*Technical proposals will be evaluated based on their responsiveness to the terms of reference, applying the evaluation criteria and points system specified.
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