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1 Mar 2015 | News

Second Workshop on Hindu Kush Himalayan Monitoring and Assessment Programme (HIMAP)

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Perceiving Drivers of Change as the key global issues and trends driving change in the HKH Region, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) organized the Second HIMAP workshop from 4-6 February, 2015 in Thimphu, Bhutan. The purpose of the three day workshop was to bring together different scientific and educational institutions, and experts/researchers to debate on issues related to the key drivers of change in the highly heterogeneous HKH Region with wide range of habitats and ecological conditions, diverse geographical and cultural landscape.

The workshop was attended by over 20 experts, social scientists, senior officials from various organizations, development practitioners and senior Fellows. Dr David Molden provided the Framework and Progress of HIMAP while Dr Eklabya Sharma revisited the Assessment Chapter Outline. He also presented on the Key messages of Food-Energy-Water Nexus workshop that was conducted during 15-16 October 2014 in ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal. Three days discussions were structured into several sessions along with group works concentrating especially on Social, Economic and Bio-Geo-Physical Drivers of Change; each session with a facilitator and a presenter. The discussion was focused on the major drivers of change impacting the HKH region (e.g. climate, migration, energy, infrastructure, road etc. and their consequences); which drivers of change should be grouped together and how these can be incorporated into a cohesive chapter structure. Key Science and Policy messages for focusing on the assessment were defined. Participants emphasized the need of research to understand regional policy implications of the scientific findings and then addressing the challenge of science informing regional policy and actions. Finally they suggested focusing on the opportunities to strengthen institutional and cross-border collaboration. Based on these sessions chapter outline were further developed. These will be the key in writing the chapter of the book – Comprehensive assessment of the HKH Region.

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