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25 Sep 2017 | Atmosphere Initiative

Signing of an agreement between ICIMOD and SIDA

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ICIMOD’s Director General David Molden signs the agreement with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency in the presence of ICIMOD colleagues including those representing the Atmosphere Initiative and the Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme.

As part of its mission to reduce poverty in the world through development cooperation, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) has signed an agreement with ICIMOD to support ICIMOD’s work in the Hindu Kush Himalaya to reduce poverty and physical and social vulnerabilities and to improve ecosystems services. With this agreement, ICIMOD and SIDA aim to support the widespread adoption of innovation and practices that assist communities in the HKH to adapt to change, leading to positive impacts for women, men and children in the HKH.

SIDA’s continuation of support to ICIMOD’s Atmosphere Initiative further promotes the adoption of effective measures and policies to reduce air pollution and its impacts within the HKH through improved knowledge and enhanced capacity of our regional partners. ICIMOD has been able to focus much needed attention through the Atmosphere Initiative on the climate effects of black carbon and other short-lived pollutants across the HKH. SIDA has also continued support to ICIMOD’s Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP) and thus contributed to enhanced resilience of mountain communities, particularly women, through improved understanding of vulnerabilities, opportunities, and potentials for adaptation, and through policy and practice for enhanced adaptation.

ICIMOD is grateful to SIDA, and to the Swedish Government and Parliament and the Swedish taxpayers whom the organization represents.

In May 2017, Daniel Klasander and Ann-Charlotte Malm from SIDA visited a resilient mountain village (RMV) in Kavre district, Nepal. RMV is an integrated approach to development in mountain areas that combines economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development with climate change adaptation, resilience, and preparedness for future risks. The approach was initially implemented on the basis of the climate smart village concept in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED) in Kavre.

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