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Some of Nepal’s most lucrative vegetable cash crops, especially solanaceous crops such as tomato and eggplant, are particularly susceptible to attack by the root knot nematode, Meliodogyne spp, which costs Nepal’s farmers millions of rupees in losses annually. In recent years, farmers found that this pest was becoming prevalent and that they could not control it permanently using either cheap or eco-friendly solutions. Researchers and development officers took up the challenge and found that grafting technology could successfully control not only the root knot nematode but also wilting disease. As a bonus, they also found that grafting can increase the yield potential of the plants and improve the overall productivity of the land.
Arukharka -6, Syangja District, Nepal
WOCAT database reference: QT NEP 33
Location: Arukharka -6, Syangja District, Nepal
Technology area: <0.1 km2
Conservation measure(s): Agronomic
Land Use: Cropland, annual cropping
Stage of intervention: Income generation
Origin: Introduced through projects
Climate: Subhumid/subtropical
Related approach: Using the participatory market chain approach to help smallhold farmers market their produce (QA NEP 33)
Compiled by: Purusottam Gupta, IDE Nepal
Date: May 2011, updated March 2013
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