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21 Mar 2017 | Uncategorized

Strengthening Arctic-HKH Collaboration

Notes from a science-policy dialogue held in Tromsø during the Arctic Frontiers conference

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ICIMOD organized two events at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø in January 2017 to better understand and explore the potential for strengthened collaboration between institutions in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) and the Arctic. These events brought together researchers, policy makers, universities, and community representatives from the Arctic and the HKH for a science-policy dialogue on regional and inter-regional collaboration. Participants of the dialogue underscored the fact that while they are located far away from each other, the Arctic and the HKH have many similar opportunities and face similar challenges. Being located at the highest latitudes and highest altitudes in the world the two regions have great potential to learn from each other.

Please access the meeting notes here.

Lars-Otto Reiersen, Executive Secretary, AMAP addresses researchers, policy makers, universities, and community representatives from the Arctic and the HKH at the event
Photo: Alberto Grohovaz / Arctic Frontiers 2017


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