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A robust network of environmental economists in South Asia and the HKH
Supported by the International Development Research Centre, the Government of Sweden and our core donors, our South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) network has grown to more than 300 research associates and over 300 environmental and development economists, including a rich network of SANDEE alumni (1,500+).
SANDEE utilises its network of regional and international talent to help address research problems in the region. Over the last 20+ years, the network has had a significant impact on research, training, and putting research to use in the region.
Over two decades, SANDEE has built a vibrant network of regional and international researchers working on the economics of natural resource use and environmental change
In 2021, we published three books based on the work across three different initiatives.
To help reinforce the importance of indigenous local knowledge (ILK) in adaptation and resilience building, we ...
Nepal’s experiences with community forestry could help Myanmar address deforestation and forest degradation
Making a compelling case for recognition as a uniquely important but highly vulnerable region
Six urgent actions and detailed targets required to sustain mountain environments and improve livelihoods in the HKH
Given the unusual circumstances that defined ...
Making our cities more climate resilient In rapidly urbanizing cities of ...
Women researchers and technologists in the Earth observation (EO) and geospatial information technology (GIT) sector are ...