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Supporting the operationalisation of national REDD+ strategies through sub-national action plans
In 2017, we published a manual – Developing Sub-National REDD+ Action Plans: A Manual for Facilitators – to guide development of sub-national plans that support national REDD+ strategies. The manual has since been used in Nepal, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, and Ghana. It was developed for facilitators working with planners and multiple stakeholders in the development of sub-national plans for Reduced Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) – and is meant to support sub-national REDD+ planning that is essential for operationalising national REDD+ strategies.
The National REDD+ Strategy of India, endorsed in 2018, also directed states to develop action plans to implement the National REDD+ Strategy. This led to widespread adoption of our manual and our colleagues were invited as experts to various states in India to train forestry sector officials in developing sub-national plans. The manual has so far been used for developing SRAPs in five states in India (Mizoram, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Chhattisgarh) and work is ongoing in five other states, in collaboration with the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, state forest departments, and other stakeholders.
Exchange and crosslearning from pilot subnational REDD+ Action Plan (SRAP) experiences in Vietnam and Nepal during 2014-2016 led to development of a manual that is guiding the preparation of subnational REDD+ action plans in the region and beyond
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