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Knowledge sharing for climate-smart livelihoods

Fostering green livelihood approaches in Yunnan, southwest China

70% Complete

Our engagement in southwest China – part of the Far Eastern Himalayan Landscape – has included the co-implementation of a GEF Small Grants Programme-funded climate-smart livelihoods project with the UNDP and the Global Environmental Institute (China).

In 2021, the second and final year of the project, we organised knowledge exchange visits and consultations with community members – predominantly indigenous Lisu and Nu people living in the remote Gaoligong mountains – in Yunnan, the project area.

Our events provided a platform to share approaches to green livelihoods – sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, community-based conservation, nature-friendly products, tea plantation management, pest control, eco-tourism design and development, and natural hazard risk management – and where beneficiaries, experts, and government representatives came together to discuss novel ecological development models for rural revitalisation.

Livelihood diversification efforts in the mountains of Yunnan, China, have featured community participation as a key step towards nature-friendly rural revitalisation

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