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Augmenting free access to scientific data

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An application enables better data visualization of and access to ICIMOD data from the HKH

Augmenting free access to scientific data

ICIMOD’s Data Sharing Policy encourages open and free access to and use of scientific data. Accordingly, in 2019, we integrated a Data Explorer application into the portal for the Regional Database System (RDS), our central data repository for different thematic areas in the HKH region. This application allows visualization of data as dynamic maps and charts. Users can share the generated maps and charts on social media by using integrated buttons in the application.

We also rolled out unique digital object identifiers (DOIs) for all public datasets on the RDS portal. Leading research libraries, technical information providers, and scientific data centres have adopted DOIs primarily to establish easier access to research data on the internet, and to increase acceptance of research data as legitimate, citable contributions in scientific literature. DOIs also contribute to improved discovery of ICIMOD data.

To underpin free access to scientific data from the HKH region, we continue to make relevant ICIMOD datasets available from the GEOSS GeoPortal and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. We also supported the National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) in Bhutan to operationalize their data-sharing hub. We are now working with partners to make the RDS infrastructure available to partner institutes in HKH countries to host and disseminate data and metadata.

The RDS system ingests and curates datasets generated by ICIMOD and its partners under different ICIMOD initiatives. The portal makes these datasets available for download to various kinds of users: government and non-governmental agencies, researchers, and the general public.

ICIMOD is working with partners to make the RDS infrastructure available to partner institutes in HKH countries to host and disseminate data and metadata.

Chapter 2

Knowledge generation and use

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