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Advocating ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to address the complex impacts of climate change on communities and their environments
Sustainability at its core requires conscious use of the natural resources at hand, which is all the more critical in fragile mountain environments. Through the years, our work has piloted, supported, and promoted ecosystem-based adaptation approaches that use biodiversity and ecosystem services to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change since they are ideal for building socioecological resilience. Through our work in resilient mountain solutions and transboundary landscapes programmes, in springshed management, climatesmart agriculture, organic agriculture and in promoting renewable energy through our newly launched Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Centre for the Himalaya Initiative, we seek to harness nature-based solutions for sustainable mountain development. Supporting this goal, we collaborated with the Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in Chengdu, China in December 2019 on a regional symposium which provided insights into the issues and challenges of integrating ecosystems-based adaptation (EbA) into policies and practice. At the symposium, over 50 scientists and practitioners from 35 institutions met to discuss technology transfer, effectiveness of EbA, and issues related to gender and social inclusion in EbA and sought to address problems related to limited knowledge on EbA progress and effectiveness which hinders the integration of the EbA approach into policy and practice.
Chapter 2
Innovation with economic, social, and environmental value
An application enables better data visualization of and access to ICIMOD data from the HKH
Delegates from the eight HKH countries, including UNFCCC national focal points and HKH High-Level Task Force ...
Our engagement in southwest China – part of the Far Eastern Himalayan Landscape – has included ...
Regional cooperation on yak conservation benefits forged through events and networks in the Kanchenjunga Landscape
As she planted her batch of bitter gourds in Kalchhe Besi last year, Kamala Timalsina was unsure if they would ...
Addressing second generation issues in shifting cultivation landscapes ...
Since radio has both a large user base and low barrier to access, it is an ...