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CryoHub creates a thriving online community of stakeholders from government, academia, and NGOs
Researchers and other stakeholders interested in the cryosphere come together in the HKH CryoHub, a collaborative web-based platform that enables access to and sharing of cryospheric data from ongoing, published and archival data. Research partners from across Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan are particularly active but the CryoHub reaches beyond traditional partnerships to create a thriving online community of cryosphere stakeholders including practitioners from government, academia, and NGOs whose unique insights are helping to fill longstanding data gaps and improving our ability to understand the cryospheric changes we are witnessing across the HKH. The CryoHub shares data generated by ICIMOD and partners and provides metadata on historical and other data to ensure more easy linkages between data and users. A regular “researchers in the spotlight” segment gives individual researchers visibility and helps the community to identify colleagues with similar or compatible interests and skillsets, nurturing collaborations.
Chapter 6
After a massive earthquake, ICIMOD responded with data, analysis, relief, and government support in the Koshi basin On 25 April 2015 ...
In 2018, the Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (DSCWM) under Nepal’s Ministry of Forests and Environment listed Shardu ...
Regional cooperation on yak conservation benefits forged through events and networks in the Kanchenjunga Landscape
Consultative efforts and pilots across the Kangchenjunga Landscape have identified best practices for improved yield, and a shared vision ...
A project along the China-Nepal border aims to reduce the risk of disaster and to become an example of cross-border ...
Nepal’s experiences with community forestry could help Myanmar address deforestation and forest degradation
Research suggests that a cooperative, river basin approach to water resources management can be beneficial to all countries In the Koshi ...
Using hands-on and multi-pronged approach to mainstream gender issues