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Science and mapping at the top of the world

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Amplifying impact through strategic partnerships

Science and mapping

Significantly adding to data availability, the world’s highest automatic weather stations were installed on Mount Everest during the 2019 National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Everest Expedition. We were among the partners there and in an associated range of scientific efforts including work on the highest glacier in world, Khumbu glacier, where ice samples were collected and multiple scientific research projects were conducted. We contributed to the NGS comprehensive map of Asia’s vital rivers building on scientific work to develop the first ever Water Tower Index. This collaboration with NGS complements our long-term effort of bringing much-needed focus to climate change issues facing our region.

Based on the data and information from the expedition, multiple academic papers will be published, the July issue of National Geographic Magazine featured the expedition and the National Geographic TV Channel features aspects of the expedition. In addition, footage and photographs from the expedition are also being used to create educational materials, where ICIMOD researchers are featured explaining AWS networks and how mapping helps us understand glacier and other natural changes in the region.

Based on the data and information from the expedition, multiple academic papers will be published, the July issue of National Geographic Magazine featured the expedition and the National Geographic TV Channel features aspects of the expedition.

Chapter 7

Regional and global outreach

Knowledge hub proposed for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Koshi basin

As part of a wider effort between Nepal, India, and China to strengthen disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the Koshi ...

Payment for ecosystem services for drinking water schemes in Dhankuta, Koshi Hills, is becoming a reality

After a yearlong effort through an action research by ICIMOD’s Koshi Basin Programme (KBP) and its partner 

From the HKH to Africa

Our CBFEWS success inspires a flood intervention project in Malawi

Replication and upscaling in challenging mountain environments

Solar pump and water-lifting package of technologies solves irrigation problems

A sustainable model of community-based flood early warning

Local governments in Nepal are coordinating and investing in disaster preparedness

Mountains in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

In 2021, we worked with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, partners and CBD ...

Supporting sustainable hydropower development in Nepal

Complex environmental and social impacts must be researched and understood for sustainability

3 Dec 2019 Water
In Search of More Time

Community-based flood early warning systems will help communities in the Koshi basin better prepare for a flood