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31 Aug 2018 | News

Sustainable Development in the Indian Himalayan Region

On 23rd August, NITI Aayog – the premier policy think tank of the Government of India – released a series of reports providing a roadmap towards sustainable development in the Indian Himalayan Region. ICIMOD was honoured to be part of the process, having contributed in each of the working groups, in the production of the reports and at the launch event. While a summary report provides a very clear road map for over-arching actions, the five separate individual reports  provide in-depth information for actions in five thematic areas: spring inventory and revival; sustainable tourism; transformative approach to shifting cultivation; strengthening skill and entrepreneurship; and pan-Himalayan databases for informed decision-making. While releasing the report, NITI Aayog’s Vice Chairman Dr Rajeev Kumar emphasized the need for greater regional cooperation among Himalayan countries to address critical issues related to  sustainable development across the region. He also underscored the importance of participation in the awareness-to action – “Himalaya Calling” – to amplify the voices from the mountains and to solicit engagement of a broad range of people in mountain issues.

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