Arshini Saikia

Air Quality Modelling Analyst
Action area: Air
Climate and environmental risks (SG1)

Dr. Arshini Saikia joined ICIMOD as an Air Quality Modelling Analyst in January 2023. She has extensive experience in Climate and Atmospheric Sciences research and has authored numerous scientific research papers and articles in prestigious journals and science periodicals.

Before taking up her current position, Arshini was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Climate Sciences and Air Quality at Respirer Living Sciences in Pune, India, where she collaborated with various stakeholders, including IIT Kanpur and GIZ India, on key projects aimed at improving air quality in several Indian cities. Before this, she was a Senior Project Fellow of the Geosphere-Biosphere Programme of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO–GBP) from 2017 to 2021 in Assam, India, working for the Atmospheric Trace Gases – Chemistry, Transport, and Modelling (ATCTM) project, focusing on ground measurement of trace gases and air quality modelling. She was also a PhD fellow at ICIMOD under the Atmosphere Doctoral Fellowship from 2016 to 2017.

Arshini holds a PhD in Atmospheric Science from the Centre for Atmospheric Studies at Dibrugarh University, India, with her research focusing on meteorology and air quality modelling over the eastern Himalayas. She completed her Master’s in Physics, specialising in Electronics and Atmospheric Science, at Dibrugarh University, where she is one of three selected fellows of the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) Space Science Promotion Scheme (SSPS) fellowship programme.

Arshini Saikia

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