Arun Bhakta Shrestha

Strategic Group Lead
Climate and environmental risks (SG1)

Dr. Arun Bhakta Shrestha is a Senior Climate Change Specialist and Strategic Group Lead for Reducing Climate and Environmental Risks at ICIMOD. He joined ICIMOD in 2006 after working with the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal.

Arun’s expertise includes climate change, glaciers and glacial hazards, glacial lake risk mitigation, atmospheric environment, and hydrological modeling. At ICIMOD, he has been instrumental in establishing the cryosphere programme, transboundary river basin networks, and conducting several climate change related analyses.

Arun is on the editorial panel for Advances in Climate Change Research (Elsevier) and is one of the editors of The Hindu Kush Himalaya assessment and a Coordinating Lead Author for its chapter on climate change. He has published extensively, with a Google Scholar h-index of 53 and around 16,000 citations.

He holds a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of New Hampshire, USA, and a master’s degree in Hydraulic Engineering from Minsk, former USSR.

Arun Bhakta Shrestha


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


My 1999 article on temperature trends in Nepal was first of it kind, clearly demonstrating the climate change happening in the Nepal Himalaya. Since then, I’ve devoted myself to improving understanding of past and possible future scenarios of climate change and their impacts on cryosphere, water resources and natural hazards in the HKH. This work has contributed to protecting the pulse of the planet by raising awareness about climate change, helping to generate more understanding of climate change impacts, and stimulating stakeholders to take action.


What is your favorite part of the work you do at ICIMOD?


ICIMOD is an unique organisation, providing opportunities to conduct cutting-edge scientific research and to use the science results to inform policies, strategies and development plans in the region. This is possible only because we have highly qualified international teams in place.


What are you passionate about?


I love to observe, measure, and understand things happening in nature and I try to use my understanding to solve societal problems. However, when possible solutions emerge from my studies or others, I make sure to test and validate them before recommending implementation.


My qualifications


I have a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of New Hampshire, USA and my doctoral dissertation was on the “Physical and chemical climate of the Himalaya.” I also earned a Master’s degree in Hydraulic Engineering from Byelorussian Polytechnic Institute, Minsk, former USSR.

Since I joined ICIMOD in 2006, I’ve worked in various capacities, including Action Area Team Leader for Strengthening Upstream Downstream Linkages, Regional Programme Manager for River Basins Programme and Acting Programme Manager for the Cryosphere and Atmosphere Programme. Before joining ICIMOD, I served in the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Government of Nepal, where I was responsible for the operation of high altitude hydrometeorological stations.

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