Finu Shrestha

Remote Sensing and Geo - information Analyst
Action area: Cryosphere and water
Climate and environmental risks (SG1)

Finu Shrestha is a Remote Sensing and Geo-information Analyst at ICIMOD with expertise in Cryosphere and Water Risks.

With over a decade of experience in cryosphere research, her focus includes glaciers, glacial lakes in the Hindu Kush Himalaya, and associated hazards such as glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in High Mountain Asia. She also explores the linkages of cryosphere changes with social and gender dynamics and examines the broader multi-hazard risks associated with GLOFs.

She holds an MSc in Hydrology and Meteorology from Tribhuvan University, Nepal, and has authored numerous technical reports, peer-reviewed papers, and training manuals.

Finu Shrestha


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


I protect the pulse of the planet by generating data on the glaciers and glacial lakes helpful to understand the dynamic changes in the cryosphere environment, its impact on the water resources and glacial related hazards.


What is your favorite part of the work you do at ICIMOD?


I enjoy working with multidisciplinary teams at all different levels and thematic areas within ICIMOD and among partners. I also enjoy looking at the beauty of our lush green campus and aesthetically-designed infrastructure with a lot of plants.


What are you passionate about?


I’m passionate about discovering everything, experiencing everything to the fullest, making an impact on the world, changing society for the bettermenttravelling, and being creative and adventurous.


My qualifications


I hold a Master of Science degree in hydrology and meteorology from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. I have more than a decade of experience working in ICIMOD in cryosphere research. My area of interest includes water resources, climatology, remote sensing, climate change, and disaster.

Posts by Finu Shrestha