Kabir Uddin

GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist
Action area: Landscapes
Resilient mountain economies and landscapes (SG2)

Kabir Uddin is Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Specialist at ICIMOD.

A distinguished geographer with over two decades of experience in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Kabir holds both a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) and a Master of Science in Geography and Environmental Studies.

Renowned for his expertise in leading land cover mapping and change detection, he has also explored various research avenues, including biodiversity corridor design, habitat suitability assessment, and flood inundation mapping.

His holistic approach to environmental challenges extends to studying erosion, sedimentation, and river morphological changes, crucial for effective river basin management.

Beyond his research, Kabir is deeply committed to capacity building, conducting training sessions and developing manuals across the Hindu Kush Himalayan region to empower local communities and institutions. 

His advocacy for evidence-based decision-making, demonstrated through high-impact journal publications and editorial contributions, underscores his dedication to environmental sustainability and resilience.

Through collaborations with national and international agencies, Kabir fosters partnerships to address shared environmental challenges, furthering regional collaboration within the eight countries of the Hindu Kush Himalaya.

His passion for landscape photography not only reflects his appreciation for nature but also serves as a tool to document and understand changes in the environment over time.

 Kabir joined ICIMOD in July 2006. He is a Bangladeshi national.

Kabir Uddin


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


Assessment of land cover dynamics is essential for the sustainable management of natural resources, environmental protection, and food security and environmental-economic accounting and I protect the pulse of the planet through my contributions to understanding these dynamics across the HKH.


What is your favorite part of the work you do at ICIMOD?


It is always fascinating to work at ICIMOD as we develop baseline land cover information that helps national agencies and researchers on a broad range of environmental issues. ICIMOD provides an appropriate platform to learn and exchange knowledge on remote sensing and geospatial tools for environmental management.


What are you passionate about?


I love to visit landscapes and take photos, especially to detect change through repeat photos.


My qualifications


I am a Bangladeshi national with 21 years working experience in geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) applications in the field of environmental management. I hold an MSc in Geography and Environmental Studies and a BSc (Hons) in Geography and Environmental Studies, both from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

I have previous work experience with Development Design Consultants Ltd for the Rajshahi City Town Planning Project, where I comprehensively used modern technologies in town planning and the Local Government Engineering Department, Bangladesh as a GIS expert.

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