Ravi Sahu

Air Quality Specialist
Action area: Air
Climate and environmental risks (SG1)

Dr. Ravi Sahu is as an Air Quality Specialist with ICIMOD in Strategic Group 1 (SG1): Reducing Climate and Environmental Risks, specifically focusing on Action Area B (AAB): Stimulating Action for Clean Air. His duties encompass leading air-quality measurement activities across ICIMOD and partner monitoring stations, and conducting periodic assessments based on the generated data by ICIMOD and partner organisations. Additionally, Ravi plays a pivotal role in capacity building in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. This involves conducting hands-on training sessions and intensive workshops on the field related to air quality for government officials, NGO representatives, academics, and scientific and technical personnel in countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. His engagement extends to collaborating with decision-makers to foster informed environmental policies and actions. He has authored and co-authored numerous impactful peer-reviewed articles on air-quality measurement and management in reputed publications.

Ravi was a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK (2022–2023). There his responsibilities included operating a mobile air quality supersite for indoor-outdoor observations and contributing to scientific analyses aimed at understanding the sources and processes affecting indoor air quality. He has also worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India (2018–2022), focusing on projects aimed at monitoring and enhancing air quality in major Indian cities using low-cost sensor networks. Ravi secured his PhD in environmental science and engineering from IIT (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, India; his research centred on traffic-generated pollutants at traffic calming devices and their management. Ravi got his bachelor’s degree in biotechnology engineering in 2013.

Ravi Sahu