Samridhi Tuladhar

Senior Editorial Associate

Bio coming soon.

Samridhi Tuladhar


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


Through my work, I bring science and society together and ensure that information on the mountains, their people, and environment reach a wider audience and are easily understood by all.

In my daily life, I try to be conscious of everything I consume and implement habits that help reduce my carbon footprint.


What do you enjoy the most about working at ICIMOD?


The people! I joined ICIMOD during the pandemic and despite the work-from-home modality, I felt very welcomed.

I also learn something new from my colleagues every day, which I am very grateful for!


What are you passionate about?


I love travelling, learning about different cultures, and discovering new cuisines. I’m always open to talk about books and animals.


What are your qualifications?


I have a bachelor’s degree in Economics and International Relations from Lawrence University, USA. I have been involved in the development sector, having held roles in fundraising, business development, communications, and research. Prior to working at ICIMOD, I was a Research Assistant at Nepal Institute for Social and Environmental Research and a Research Analyst at A2Z Insights.

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