Santosh Raj Pathak

Partnership Officer
Administration and Finance
Programme Finance

I am currently working as Partnership Officer within our Strategic Cooperation Unit. I contribute in partnership facilitation and brokering support to different programmes and units at ICIMOD for developing, engaging, managing and maintaining our diverse network of partnerships both withing the HKH and across the globe. I am also an Accredited Partnership Broker.

Santosh Raj Pathak


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


My work promotes and facilitates cooperation and collaboration with the diverse network of partners and through this, I expand our reach, expand understanding and expand the network of people and institutions working together to protect the pulse of the planet.


What is your favorite part of the work you do at ICIMOD?


The vision and mission of ICIMOD are close to my heart. There are both amazing professionals from different sectors working at ICIMOD and an amazing and diverse network of partners across the HKH and beyond who enrich my experience and knowledge.


What are you passionate about?


Being a passionate travel and landscape photographer, I like travelling to the mountains and places close to nature and history.


My qualifications


Before joining ICIMOD, I worked as a procurement consultant for Nepal’s Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development and in the grants department for two projects: Nepal Economics Agriculture and Trade (NEAT) Activity and Nepal Transition Initiative (NTI). I also have experience working in the banking and corporate sectors. I completed an MBA from Ace Institute of Management and am accredited as a Partnership Broker from Partnership Brokers Association.

Posts by Santosh Raj Pathak