Sher Muhammad

Remote Sensing Specialist
Climate and environmental risks (SG1)
Managing cryosphere and water risks (SG1-AAA)

Bio coming soon.

Sher Muhammad


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


I observe the pulse of the planet and estimate the changes in snow, glaciers, and their associated downstream impacts in the HKH region. I communicate the findings in the form of peer review articles and simplify the findings to share it through HKHCryohub and social media for the awareness of the general public. I also protect the pulse of the planet by generating improved data related to snow and glaciers and share it with the broad scientific community through global scientific repositories and our Regional Database System to assist scientists in generating evidence-based solutions.


What is your favorite part of the work you do at ICIMOD?


The diverse staff which helps to broaden my scientific research to use it for the benefit of the people in the HKH region.


What are you passionate about?


I am passionate about the use of the cutting-edge remote sensing data for cryosphere observations in the HKH which may contribute to science-based policies of the relevant sectors.


My qualifications


I hold a PhD in remote sensing of glaciers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Before joining ICIMOD, my experiences include: work at the National Space Agency of Pakistan (SUPARCO) and Yunnan University, China using remote sensing data applications for various earth resources, particularly glaciers (changes and inventory), snow variation, crops, and associated natural disasters for more than ten years; being part of the Pakistan flood monitoring team in SUPARCO engaged in daily mapping, damage assessment, and sharing flood updates with the national and local disaster management institutes; work with the crop monitoring/ forecast team on satellite data processing and analysis in SUPARCO; contributions to the National Environmental Information Management System (NEIMS) project; and contributions to generating the inventory of extreme events and snow variations in the Indus Basin. I have published several peer-reviewed articles in top journals (e.g., Remote Sensing of Environment, Earth System Science Data, Journal of Glaciology, and Journal of Hydrology).

Posts by Sher Muhammad