Sunwi Maskey

Cryosphere Research Associate
Action area: Cryosphere and water
Climate and environmental risks (SG1)

Sunwi Maskey is a Cryosphere Research Associate at ICIMOD, specialising in glaciology within the Cryosphere Intervention under Action Area A: Managing Cryosphere and Water Risks. She has held this position since 2023. She has a BSc in environmental science and an MS by research in glaciology, both from Kathmandu University.

Sunwi’s work at ICIMOD focuses on advancing cryosphere science, particularly by studying glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) through advanced modelling techniques. In addition to her primary research, Sunwi monitors glaciers and permafrost across Nepal, thus contributing to the understanding of regional cryosphere changes.

Before her current role, she was a GIS Expert who led irrigation projects. She has published a research paper in the prestigious journal, Progress of Disaster Science. Sunwi is committed to developing practical solutions for managing the impacts of climate change on glacial systems.

Sunwi Maskey

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