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Technical Consultative Meeting on KLCDI Regional Programme Implementation Plan (2016–2020)

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A Technical Consultative Meeting was held on the Regional Programme Implementation Plan (2016–2020) for the Kangchenjunga Landscape Conservation and Development Initiative (KLCDI) at ICIMOD from 3–5 December. The meeting was held to bring the KLCDI from the Preparatory Phase (2012–2015) into the Implementation Phase (2016–2020) by finalizing the regional programme implementation plan and developing partnership and communication strategies. Participants included KLCDI implementing partners from Bhutan, India, and Nepal. The opening session was chaired by ICIMOD Director General, Dr David Molden, who emphasized the importance of a landscape approach. He hoped that the meeting would consolidate the preparatory phase and provide a platform for strengthening the partnership to move forward.

At the event, the participants endorsed the Programme Implementation Plan, Framework for Theory of Change, and Logical Framework Approach. Participants also worked on the partnership strategy and communication needs, for which they came up with priority actions.

In his closing remarks, Dr Nakul Chettri, Programme Coordinator of KLCDI, expressed his satisfaction at the high level of ownership of the initiative by its partners. He also thanked the government and other partners from Bhutan, Nepal, and India for their presence and support.

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