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Rongkun Liu & Yi Shaoliang
3 mins Read
In the transboundary landscapes of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH), specifically in the cross-border areas between China and Myanmar, formal and informal trade of goods and services, along with tourism and the hospitality industry, have been pivotal in poverty reduction and economic upliftment of residents. The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected vulnerable communities, especially women in these transboundary landscapes. These challenges were also discussed in the webinar on Bringing mountain women across borders – A case of women traders in the Hindu Kush Himalaya that we organized in collaboration with CUTS International in early March 2021.
In June 2021, along with Lanzhou University and Yunnan Normal University, China, we conducted a survey to understand the status of women involved in economic activities in transboundary landscapes. The survey included questions related to women’s role in cross-border trade, their challenges, the impact of COVID-19 on women entrepreneurs, and their coping strategies. It also focused on the current scenario as well as historical changes in trading ports and passes between China and Myanmar.
As part of the CUTS International’s explorative study in the four transboundary landscapes of the HKH region, the survey was led by Prof. Long Ruijun, Director, International Centre for Tibetan Plateau Ecosystem Management, Lanzhou University; Prof. Zhang Yongshuai, Professor of History, School of History and Administration at Yunnan Normal University; and Liu Rongkun, consultant to our HI-LIFE programme, along with the students from both universities. The survey also contributed to Prof. Long and Prof. Zhang’s project titled “Historical changes and current situation of China-Myanmar border trade corridors” under the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition.
The survey team interviewed 16 women entrepreneurs living and working in the China-Myanmar border areas in the cities of Tengchong and Lushui. Most of the interviewees were shopkeepers, vendors, drivers, restaurant and guesthouse owners, and hotel employees.
Initial findings reveal that most of the cross-border trade at the Houqiao Land Port is dominated by Chinese businessmen who manage large-scale banana plantations in the border areas of Myanmar. Women are mostly engaged in the service sector (comprising transport, stores, restaurants, and guesthouses), or are indirectly involved in cross-border businesses.
On the impact of the pandemic, the interviewees shared that they have been facing financial losses due to the closure of international borders, fewer customers, and sluggish demand, rendering them unable to pay wages and rent, and meet family expenses. According to local customs office statistics, the number of people entering and leaving the port decreased by 50% and the total freight value decreased by 35% in 2020 due to the pandemic. “I hope the COVID-19 pandemic will end as soon as possible,” shared a women entrepreneur.
In addition, the team was also part of an academic exchange with professors from Baoshan University, China, where we explored collaboration opportunities on providing international support for women entrepreneurs on coffee-related mountain agriculture, as well as the prospects for ecotourism development in the Gaoligong mountains in the Far Eastern Himalaya. The survey was part of the academic exchange with Baoshan University, which facilitated the interviews and coordination at the Port. Baoshan University is also a potential partner for research activities concerning transboundary trade and landscape conservation.
To better understand socio-economic relationships in the China-Myanmar borderlands, the team also held a consultative meeting with the Bureau of Commerce, Baoshan city, Yunnan, China, where participants discussed the history of bilateral trade between Baoshan and northern Myanmar, and current challenges and opportunities for bilateral trade between the two countries. Zhao Xingfang, Deputy Director, Bureau of Commerce, Baoshan highlighted the need for a smooth coordination between Myanmar’s central and local governments on the transportation of goods from China. He also expressed the emergent need of multilateral cooperation in sectors beyond trade such as education, health, and business.
Prof. Long Ruijun highlighted that “emphasis should be placed on the geographical importance of Baoshan in linking China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and India as well as developing a dynamic socio-economic corridor and a transboundary landscape. Furthermore, Baoshan has the opportunity to serve as a logistics center linking inland China and the countries of the Bay of Bengal.”
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高海拔湿地脆弱的生态系统特别容易受到气候变化的影响,包括气温上升、冰川退缩和降水模式改变。 这些变化对这些生态系统的生物多样性和功能构成直接威胁。 湿地对人类生活至关重要。2月2日是世界湿地日,作为联合国国际日,旨在增强人们对保护和恢复世界湿地的意识。今年的主题是“湿地与人类福祉”,强调了人类生活与湿地之间的密切联系,这一联系自人类诞生以来就一直存在。 随着文明的发展,许多人类居住区建立在湿地(包括淡水和咸水湿地)附近,如湖泊、河流、沼泽、湿地、湿地草原、泥炭地、绿洲、河口、三角洲、潮滩、红树林、珊瑚礁以及地下含水层。人类从湿地获取水源,用于饮用、清洗、农作物灌溉以及牲畜用水。此外,湿地也视作娱乐和灵感的来源,并具有深远的宗教和文化意义。 在兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区,湿地面积占地区总面积的10%,使其成为全球高海拔湿地最丰富的地区之一。湿地与人类福祉之间密切联系的一个例子是位于西藏冈仁波齐山脚下、海拔 4550 米的玛旁雍措湖。这个神圣的湖泊不仅因其令人惊叹的美丽而吸引游客,还因其深刻的精神和宗教意义,特别是对于苯教、佛教、印度教和耆那教的追随者而言。每年,数千人从世界各地前往玛旁雍措湖朝圣,寻求精神、心灵和情感上的疗愈。 湿地面临的威胁及其保护的重要性 高海拔湿地脆弱的生态系统特别容易受到气候变化的影响,包括气温上升、冰川退缩和降水模式改变。这些变化对湿地生态系统的生物多样性和功能构成直接威胁。其他威胁还来自于不受监管的旅游业、基础设施开发和过度放牧。 重要的是要管理和保护这些区域,因为它们具有多重价值。例如,位于不丹旺杜·普兰区海拔3000米的布吉卡(Phobjikha)湿地,是黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的重要栖息地。布吉卡是观鸟的主要地点,这种活动反映了人类与自然之间的和谐关系。由于在该区域的保护工作以及它是吉格梅·多吉国家公园和吉格梅·辛格·旺楚克国家公园之间的重要生物走廊,迁徙鸟类的数量正在增加。不丹在湿地保护方面的关注反映了人与鹤以及宗教信仰和实践之间的深层精神联系。“不丹的拉姆萨尔地点通过保护黑颈鹤的重要栖息地,特别是在甘特伊-布吉附近,间接地为人类福祉做出了贡献,”不丹皇家自然保护协会执行董事金利·丹增(Kinley Tenzing)表示。 拥抱湿地潜力与人类福祉 许多组织和政府机构致力于通过社区项目、可持续旅游业和研究来保护在兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区的高海拔湿地。认识到其重要性并采取可持续实践不仅是一种生态责任,也是保障当地社区和游客福祉与生计的一种手段。 在国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)当前的四年MTAP-V计划期间,我们的相关团队计划对重要湿地(主要是拉姆萨尔湿地、具有国际重要性的湿地)和兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区的泥炭地的管理状况进行测绘和快速评估,以倡导政策变化,增加兴都库什-喜马拉雅国家对这些领域管理的投资,并确定区域合作领域。2023年12月,南亚湿地国际组织(WISA)和ICIMOD举办了南亚地区拉姆萨尔国家联络点圆桌会议,主题是“通过区域合作和交流明智地利用南亚湿地”。 会议的目的是制定南亚湿地保护和明智利用区域平台的运作模式。 保护和恢复我们的湿地,以改善人类福祉 湿地的持续存在取决于我们人类如何对待它们。在这一领域采取行动非常重要,因为自 1700 年代以来,世界上近 90% 的湿地已经消失——自 1970 年以来,已有 35% 的湿地消失,目前它们消失的速度是森林的 3 倍。这方面的人类活动包括用于农业和建筑的排水和填埋湿地、污染、过度捕捞和资源过度开发、入侵物种和气候变化。这种令人沮丧的情景在兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区的各个湿地中都有所体现。相反,湿地被发现可以改善和恢复人类的身体和精神健康。 对我们所有人来说,提高对本地区湿地(尤其是高海拔湿地)的了解至关重要,并教育其他人认识其巨大的生态、精神、心理和经济价值。在区域和政策层面,我们必须鼓励决策者更加关注湿地的综合管理。毕竟,人类健康取决于湿地的健康。 为了保护我们的湿地及其脆弱的生物多样性和生态系统,今年2 月 5 日至 ...
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