Adhikari, L; Khan, B; Joshi, S; Ruijun, L; Ali, G; Shah, GM; Ismail, M; Bano, K; Ali, R; Khan, G; Pasakhala, B; Ali, A (2021). 'Community-Based Trophy Hunting Programs Secure Biodiversity and Livelihoods: Learnings from Asia's High Mountain Communities and Landscapes.' In Environmental Challenges: 100175 DOI: 10.1016/j.envc.2021.100175.
We discuss the benefits of community-based trophy hunting programs (CTHPs) in the Hindu Kush Karakoram Pamir Landscape, focusing on Pakistan and Tajikistan. We review this model's effectiveness for conserving rare and threatened wildlife populations, protected areas, and community welfare. There are, however, some significant problems related to CTHPs, including the lack of accurate information to understand the effect of trophy hunting on herd structure and size, weak policy implementation, lack of transparency, and corruption. Regular monitoring of wildlife, understanding population dynamics, appropriate allocation of hunting quotas and use of hunting revenue, and proper evaluation and documentation are urgently required to make CTHPs more effective and sustainable.
Azam, MF; Kargel, JS; Shea, JM; Nepal, S; Haritashya, UK; Srivastava, S; Maussion, F; Qazi, N; Chevallier, P; Dimri, AP; Kulkarni, AV; Cogley, JG; Bahuguna, IM (2021). 'Glaciohydrology of the Himalaya-Karakoram.' In Science: eabf3668 DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3668.
Clifford, HM; Potocki, M; Koch, I; Sherpa, T; Handley, M; Korotkikh, E; Introne, D; Kaspari, S; Miner, K; Matthews, T; Perry, B; Guy, H; Gajurel, A; Singh, PK; Elvin, S; Elmore, AC; Tait, A; Mayewski, PA (2021). 'A Case Study Using 2019 Pre-Monsoon Snow and Stream Chemistry in the Khumbu Region, Nepal.' In Science of The Total Environment 789: 148006 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148006.
Our case study provides a framework for future monitoring and evidence for human source pollution in the Khumbu region, Nepal. We analyzed the chemical composition of pre-monsoon stream water (4,300–5,250 m) and snow (5,200–6,665 m) samples collected from Mt. Everest, Mt. Lobuche, and the Imja Valley during the 2019 pre-monsoon season, in addition to a shallow ice core recovered from the Khumbu Glacier (5,300 m). Pre-monsoon aerosol deposition is dominated by dust originating from western sources and less frequently by transport from southerly air mass sources, as evidenced by one of the strongest recorded pre-monsoon events emanating from the Bay of Bengal, Cyclone Fani. Elevated concentrations of human-sourced metals (e.g., Pb, Bi, As) are found in surface snow and stream chemistry collected in the Khumbu region. As the most comprehensive case study of environmental chemistry in the Khumbu region, our research offers sufficient evidence for increased monitoring in this watershed and surrounding areas.
Dahal, NM; Xiong, D; Neupane, N; Yigez, B; Zhang, B; Yuan, Y; Koirala, S; Liu, L; Fang, Y (2021). 'Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Variability Based on the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index in the Koshi River Basin, Nepal.' In Journal of Arid Land DOI: 10.1007/s40333-021-0065-6.
Muhammad, S; Thapa, A (2021). 'Daily Terra–Aqua Modis Cloud-Free Snow and Randolph Glacier Inventory 6.0 Combined Product (M*D10a1gl06) for High-Mountain Asia between 2002 and 2019.' In Earth Syst. Sci. Data 13: 767-776 DOI: 10.5194/essd-13-767-2021.
Snow is a dominant water resource in High Mountain Asia and crucial for mountain communities and downstream populations. Snow cover monitoring is important to understand regional climate change, managing meltwater, and associated hazards. The uncertainties in passive optical remote-sensing snow products, mainly underestimation caused by cloud cover and overestimation associated with sensors' limitations, hamper the understanding of snow dynamics. We reduced the biases in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra and Aqua daily snow data and generated a combined daily snow product for high-mountain Asia between 2002 and 2019. Our data are mainly useful for observation and simulation of climate, hydro-glaciological forcings, calibration, validation, and other water-related studies.
Nirmal Mani, D; Donghong, X; Nilhari, N; Baojun, Z; Bintao, LIU; Yong, Y; Yiping, F; Saroj, K; Maan, BR (2021). 'Factors Affecting Maize, Rice and Wheat Yields in the Koshi River Basin, Nepal.' In Journal of Agricultural Meteorology advpub DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.D-20-00019.
Shugar, DH; Jacquemart, M; Shean, D; Bhushan, S; Upadhyay, K; Sattar, A; Schwanghart, W; McBride, S; de Vries, MVW; Mergili, M; Emmer, A; Deschamps-Berger, C; McDonnell, M; Bhambri, R; Allen, S; Berthier, E; Carrivick, JL; Clague, JJ; Dokukin, M; Dunning, SA; Frey, H; Gascoin, S; Haritashya, UK; Huggel, C; Kääb, A; Kargel, JS; Kavanaugh, JL; Lacroix, P; Petley, D; Rupper, S; Azam, MF; Cook, SJ; Dimri, AP; Eriksson, M; Farinotti, D; Fiddes, J; Gnyawali, KR; Harrison, S; Jha, M; Koppes, M; Kumar, A; Leinss, S; Majeed, U; Mal, S; Muhuri, A; Noetzli, J; Paul, F; Rashid, I; Sain, K; Steiner, J; Ugalde, F; Watson, CS; Westoby, MJ (2021). 'A Massive Rock and Ice Avalanche Caused the 2021 Disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya.' In Science: eabh4455 DOI: 10.1126/science.abh4455.
van Tiggelen, M; Smeets, PCJP; Reijmer, CH; Wouters, B; Steiner, JF; Nieuwstraten, EJ; Immerzeel, WW; van den Broeke, MR (2021). 'Mapping the Aerodynamic Roughness of the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Using Icesat-2: Evaluation over the K-Transect.' In The Cryosphere 15: 2601-2621 DOI: 10.5194/tc-15-2601-2021.