Tourism has been growing at a rapid pace in different countries of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. While this undoubtedly has many benefits, the growing number of tourists is posing a challenge to tourism’s sustainablility and the region’s resources. The use of a digital platform, GreenHKH, can help promote sustainable tourism in the HKH region.
Mt Kailash (6,714 masl) and Manasarovar Lake (4,550 masl) are part of the 31,000 sq km transboundary Kailash Sacred Landscape. This landscape contains the headwaters of four major rivers of Asia — Sutlej, Karnali, Brahmaputra and Indus — that are the lifeblood of people in the river valleys downstream in China and the Indian subcontinent.
The stories of this solutions portal are placed around six thematic areas as follows