
Chapter 5



Data for food security planning  in Nepal

Data for food security planning in Nepal

Machine learning-based agricultural assessment helps reduce knowledge gaps for better-informed policy decisions in Nepal

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Conserving and restoring water sources

Conserving and restoring water sources

Efforts to integrate sringshed management into river basin management plans and policies in Nepal

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Action plan to reduce air pollution and improve air quality

Action plan to reduce air pollution and improve air quality

Nepal government launches Air Quality Management Action Plan for Kathmandu Valley

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How are we doing on Aichi Target 11?

How are we doing on Aichi Target 11?

Nine countries of the South Asia subregion assess progress against key biodiversity conservation targets

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Supporting policy formulation and reporting

Supporting policy formulation and reporting

Providing inputs to RMCs for policy making and for meeting national reporting requirements

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Annual report 2020
